TWENTY-FIRST century developments in computer-aided design (CAD) software mean you no longer have to accept stock standard cookie-cutter home designs for your new home.

Joh Domingo CEO Building Buddy Pty Ltd

People wanting a custom home design invariably have these serious concerns:

  1. Pricing uncertainty
  2. Difficulty seeing what they are getting
  3. Uneasy feelings of risk regarding the unknown

Building Buddy Director, Joh Domingo, says this no longer needs to be the case.

He explains that these days our technology allows us to:

  • Deliver better outcomes,
  • Eliminates the risk associated with pricing, 
  • Deliver personalised design outcomes, and
  • Building Buddy customers can see what their house will look like before it is built.  

Many new home customers think that Standard House Plans deliver better house designs and result in lower costs.

“This has never has been true,” says Joh.

“Thinking like this is a distant echo from the pre-digital age.”

Joh explains that Standard House Plans were originally introduced as a major marketing tool in the early 1980’s.

“The aim was to make things simpler and easier for home buyers, in an era when creating custom home designs was a complex and time-consuming task for builders.”

“The fact is that these days custom home design is here to stay.”

Developments in computer design software have removed the complexity of creating custom home designs.

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ShirazDomingo from Building Buddy producing a 3D simulation for new customised house plans

The expense of creating custom plans is now a fraction of what it used to be.

Joh says this means new home designing in the current era has now become fully flexible, a customised design service offered by all good custom home builders like Building Buddy.

“Custom home design removes all the cookie-cutter template modifications that many builders love to use,” says Joh.

“I’ve actually been in new home sales offices where the sales staff physically cut out modified layouts from photocopies and pasted them onto existing template plans.”

“This profusion of cut-and-paste modifications has become rampant in today’s new home industry, as new home sales staff try to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for custom home design.

Joh feels the only possible reason why these crude cut-and-paste designs still proliferate is lack of desire, effort, proper training and no investment in 21st century technology.

“You no longer have to put up with substandard quality and service in your search for new home design ideas, and neither should such basic services cost an arm and a leg,” says Joh.

Standard House Plans Can be a Trap.

Standard House Plans are still being pushed because new home salespeople are often not sufficiently trained to provide accurate costings for homes that deviate from their builder’s  standard templates.

The unfortunate result is that many new homeowners settle for a home design that is a crude cut-and-paste job, along with cost estimates that are just as rough.

That is the best many builders and their sales staff can manage, without a preliminary payment.

“In contrast, at Building Buddy we can provide a qualified new home buyer a set of free, customised new home plans, before any payment has exchanged hands,” says Joh.

Disadvantages of Standard Home Plans are:

  • A Standard Plan is often not suitable for the new home buyer’s land
  • Standard Plan modifications most often work the opposite to what the designer intended, sometimes ruining the new home’s appeal.
  • A standard plan price price estimate is virtually meaningless.This type of pricing is based on a standard that is usually stripped of specific context.
  • The only way the sales staff can estimate confidently is to overcharge. Making modifications to the design has a fundamental effect on costs that is practically impossible to estimate accurately.

Joh says new home buyers deserve better.  

“Would you use a house builder that employed incompetent carpenters?

“Then why use a builder that insists you use Standard House Plans just because he employs untrained sales staff?”

Remember, our goal is to find the Best Home Design, the Best Quality, for the Best Price, with the Best House Builder.
It’s logical that the first step to finding the best House Builder is to ensure you have the right
House Design­­­­.
Call Building Buddy now on 1800 710 102.





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John Wright